
Faithfully Present by Adam Ramsey

In Faithfully Present, Adam Ramsey explores the tension we often feel between our current reality and the life we long for, offering insights on how to live fully in the present.

Here’s what I learnt:

1. Living in Time: Chronos and Kairos

Ramsey invites us to rethink our relationship with time. Drawing from both biblical and philosophical ideas, he contrasts Chronos (the ticking of time we often feel ruled by) and Kairos (the opportune moments we can miss if we’re too focused on time). Time doesn’t need to be an enemy—we exist within it, but it doesn’t define us.

By trusting God, who holds all of time and is beyond time, we can release the fear of losing or wasting it. And, I want to do just that to have more Kairos moments in my life.

2. Embracing the Season You’re In

One of the key themes of the book is learning to accept the season of life we’re in, rather than constantly longing for another one. Whether we’re dealing with the mundane or the extraordinary, there are lessons to be found in each moment. Children, for example, might seem like interruptions, but they are gifts that won’t last forever—reminding us to cherish the present.

Hence, I am always mindful to pause and pay attention to my kid as they tell me about their day in school or about what they read or watched (for the 11th time, mind you). It is DIFFICULT and needs a whole lot of awareness! Yet, at the end of the day, when I lay in bed, remembering the expression of excitement or joy in their faces will put a smile to my face.

3. The Gift of Waiting

I don’t like to wait! Though I often find myself waiting. In everyday situations where I am waiting for my kids to get ready, or when I am early (typically) then I wait for the “party to get going”. Ramsey emphasises the importance of learning how to wait well. Waiting—whether it’s for something to begin or end—can feel difficult and uncomfortable. But in the waiting, we are learning to be human, to trust God’s timing, and to develop perseverance. It’s in these quiet, ordinary moments that God is often at work in the most profound ways.

4. Slowing Down

Inspired by the writings of John Mark Comer, Ramsey reminds us that the solution to an overbusy life isn’t more time—it’s learning to simplify and slow down. Always rushing through life not only keeps us from being present, but it also robs us of meaningful connections with God and others. True growth happens when we walk, not sprint, through life’s moments.

5. The Power of Pausing

In a world that glorifies constant productivity, Ramsey warns against the dangers of unceasing activity. Much like an unceasing talker becomes monotonous, an unceasing doer can burn out. Pausing allows us to reflect, rest, and re-center our priorities around what truly matters, rather than just getting things done.

6. Nostalgia and Regret: Learning from the Past

Ramsey offers a fresh perspective on nostalgia and regret, noting how both can rob us of the present. Nostalgia tends to exaggerate the beauty of the past while minimising its challenges, while regret calls us to replay our mistakes. Instead of being trapped by either, we are called to learn from our past and move forward with gratitude and hope. The here and now are the only place that really matters. We can’t live in the then and there.

7. Our Embodied Existence

Drawing from C.S. Lewis, Ramsey reminds us that to be human is to be embodied. Our bodies are gifts, beautifully made yet broken by sin. Embracing our physical existence is key to understanding our humanity, as even Jesus took on a body to dwell among us. Our bodies—fragile as they are—are sacred and central to our identity. Take care of our bodies!

8. Entering the Room: Pharisee vs. Jesus

Ramsey also offers a lesson in humility. When entering a room, do we have a “Here I am” attitude, like a Pharisee seeking recognition? Or do we approach with a “There you are” mindset, as Jesus did with Nathaniel, focusing on others? This shift in perspective can transform how we engage with those around us.

Faithfully Present is a reminder to live fully in the here and now, trusting in God’s timing and embracing the season we’re in.

Everything we do matters—nothing is wasted when it’s done with faith and purpose.

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