Who Are You As A Human Being?

If you were asked “Who are you?”, what would your answer be? 

A doctor? CEO? Founder? Chef? Operations Director? Content creator? Parent? — these are professions, job titles and roles we do.

Who are you” is about who you are as a human being:

What do I believe in?

  • Reflect on your personal experiences—what values have guided your decisions in tough moments?
  • Consider role models or people you admire—what beliefs do they embody that resonate with you?
  • Think about what you’re willing to stand up for or defend, even when it’s uncomfortable.
  • Ask yourself: What principles would I want to pass on to others?

What truly matters to me?

  • List the activities, people, or goals that bring you the most joy or fulfillment—how much time are you devoting to them?
  • If you had unlimited time and resources, how would you spend them?
  • Consider what you’d regret not doing or prioritizing if today were your last day.
  • Ask yourself: What makes me feel most alive and connected to my purpose?

Am I living a life aligned with my values?

  • Compare your daily actions with your core values—do they match, or are there gaps?
  • Reflect on moments when you felt inner conflict—what value might have been compromised?
  • Think about your current commitments—do they support or detract from what you value most?
  • Ask yourself: If someone observed my life, what would they say I value? Does that align with how I see myself?

Reflect on who you truly are and what you stand for? Or are you too busy:

🚶‍♂️ Chasing things that don’t truly matter?

📱 Mimicking influences that don’t align with your values?

🛤️ Following paths that feel unfulfilling or even nonexistent?

When we don’t take the time to understand ourselves, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s truly important. Clarity about who you are and what you stand for is the foundation of a life filled with purpose, authenticity, and impact.

Here’s my work-in-progress answer of “Who you are?”

I am a compassionate and creative individual who seeks to make a meaningful impact on my family, friends, and the broader community through unconventional approaches in both my personal life and my professional endeavors.

What’s your version of “Who are you?”

Ready to find out “Who are you?”